15 Networking Tips For Introverts, From An Introvert (Part 1 of 3)

[Author’s Note: I don’t like labels like introvert or extrovert mostly because they perpetuate fixed mindsets. In addition, few people are introverts or extroverts all the time. Instead, we move along an introversion-extroversion scale depending on the need and situation. However, since most people generally understand what is meant by introvert and extrovert, I’m going to use those terms.]

I’m an introvert. I’m pretty shy. I’m also handsomely shy (ohhh, mic drop; final joke, I promise).  Like many other introverts, I’m introspective, I tend to enjoy and get my energy from 1:1 conversations, I’m more social with people I know, and I recharge by spending time alone – and therefore find networking with people I don’t know somewhat challenging. This differs from extroverts, many of whom are outgoing, tend to enjoy and get their energy from social situations, and don’t mind being the center of attention. For introverts, the thought of having to go to an event and have conversations with other human beings – especially ones you don’t know – is exhausting.

But networking – building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships – is important for our social and psychological (personal) wellbeing, as well as our economic (professional) wellbeing.  We are wired to connect and communicate. We need healthy relationships to survive and thrive. We need a network, and therefore, we need to network.

So, there is a conundrum. Introverts need to network, but often don’t like to, or don’t know how to do so effectively. But being an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t be successful at networking, at building relationships, at communicating in small or large groups. It just means you have to approach networking differently. You (we!) need strategies and tactics that work for you (us!).

The good news is that successful networking strategies and tactics for introverts exist, and with practice, you can make them work for you! Why am I so confident? Because they’ve worked for others, and they’ve worked for me!

Below are 5 (of 15) networking tips for introverts to use at an event or gathering to help make it a positive, productive, and enjoyable experience.

1.)  Get your mindset right: Having the right mindset is critical for success in all areas of your life, networking included. A positive mindset will help you be open to possibilities and opportunities, and help you feel and appear confident. Prior to attending an event, tell (or remind) yourself of the following:

  • Networking is simply building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships. It’s literally just having conversations. And you know how to have conversations. So don’t make it something it isn’t. It’s no big deal.

  • You are special and unique and have a lot to contribute to conversations that will occur.

  • You’re not nervous – you’re excited.

  • This will be a positive, productive, and enjoyable experience because you have goals (see #3) and a plan (see #4) to make it so.

  • It’s not about how long you stay, it’s about whether you go and enjoy yourself.

2.)  Research who will be attending:  Basic research skills will enable you to find out who is likely to attend the event you are going to. This information in hand, you can prepare ice breakers (see #5) to help begin conversations with specific people. When you know who will be attending, it will give you someone to look for, and help you prepare something to talk about. This should reduce some of the anxiety and uncertainty you are feeling around “not knowing who will be there or what to talk about.”

3.)  Develop a goal…:  Giving yourself a goal for the event directs your emotions, thoughts, and energy to a positive place.  Your goal gives you a reason and purpose for attending, which should quiet down the doubt and second guessing that often creeps into your head prior to an event. Goals may include HELPING, LEARNING, MEETING SOMEONE, or CONNECTING OTHERS.

4.)  …and a game plan: Having a game plan will help you achieve your goal – and have a successful experience. Your game plan will help you focus on actions to take, as opposed to getting caught up in your own head. If your goal is to HELP, you can plan to volunteer or work the event. If your goal is to LEARN, you can plan to observe, listen, and ask insightful questions. If your goal is to MEET SOMEONE, you can plan to ask for an introduction, or build up the courage to introduce yourself and start a conversation. Finally, if your goal is to CONNECT OTHERS, you can plan to ask others who they’d like to meet – and then make the introduction.

5.)  Prepare some icebreakers, questions, and answers: Starting conversations, asking questions, small talk, and talking about oneself can be challenging for introverts. Rather than being reactive and trying to think on your feet, it’s better to prepare to be a successful conversationalist. Prepare ahead of time some icebreakers, questions to ask, and how you’d answer typical questions such as, “What do you do?” or “Where do you work?” or “Anything exciting going on in your life?”  You are amazing and have interesting things to talk about.  Plan ahead of time what you might say and ask, and how you might respond, so that you can present your best self.

These first 5 networking tips for introverts revolved around preparing to be successful at an event. In the forthcoming Part 2 (#’s 6 – 10) I’ll be discussing your wardrobe (seriously), when to arrive, whether it’s better to go alone or with someone, and some of the actions to take at the event. 

Until then, start taking actions your future self will be proud of!

For more career development tips and information, visit: https://www.leonardworkforcesolutions.com/news

For information about 1:1 career development services, visit: https://www.leonardworkforcesolutions.com/careerdevelopment

If you liked this article, you might also enjoy:

  1. Your Network is Your Career GPS: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/your-network-career-gps-bill-leonard-mhrm/

  2. Job Search Tip: Join or Form a Job Club: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/job-search-tip-join-form-club-bill-leonard-mhrm/

  3. Career Advice for High School Students – Be More Like Lloyd Dobler: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bill-leonard-mhrm_say-anything-25-movie-clip-career-activity-6866741686182166528-7NLs

[Originally published on LinkedIn on 12/21/21: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/15-networking-tips-introverts-from-introvert-part-1-3-leonard-mhrm/]


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