For a productive day at work, ask yourself these parental questions

There is no shortage of “hacks” for having a productive day at work. You could spend countless hours doing research or reading books to find out the latest tips and tricks. But sometimes, the answer is right in front of us. And super basic. 

If you are/were a parent or caregiver of school age children, the questions you ask your kiddo(s) before they leave for school are the same ones that will guide you to having a good day at work. 

Below are 5 questions and 1 statement that you ask/tell your kiddo(s) each school day, and why you should be asking/telling yourself the same things:

1.      Did you get a good night's sleep?

Why this is important for you: Getting a full night’s sleep will help you recharge physically and mentally. You’ll have the physical and mental energy you need to function at an optimal level. Every single scientific study on sleep basically says the same thing – getting a good night’s sleep is like one of the most important things you can do for yourself. So, prioritize getting a good night’s sleep.   

2.      Did you eat breakfast?

Why this is important for you: You were told by your parents that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and so you tell your kiddo(s) the same thing. But is it really? Well, probably. According to UPMC (, breakfast encourages healthier eating, balances blood sugar levels, kickstarts your metabolism, boosts energy levels, promotes heart health, and stimulates the brain. All that stuff kind of sounds like it will help you feel good and do good. 

3.      Did you do your homework?

Why this is important for you: You might not have “homework,” i.e. work to do at home, but it is important to take a few moments to process what you learned today and also get into the right frame of mind for tomorrow. Doing so will help you be a little bit better than today, and be prepared for what’s to come tomorrow. Fortune favors the prepared.

4.      Do you have the resources you need?

Why this is important for you: The right resources help you be more productive. Just as your kiddo(s) may be lost without their laptops, crayons, folders, pencils, and/or notebooks, you will likely be unproductive without some of the essential adult resources, including cellphone, laptop, journal or notepad, sneakers (for your lunchtime walk!), physical calendar (because you somehow “forget” to put things on your phone’s calendar), and lunch (see #5). These resources can help you be more productive – so make sure you don’t leave home without them.

5.      What’s for lunch?

Why this is important for you: Eating lunch – AWAY FROM YOUR DESK! – has many benefits. It allows you to disconnect from work and recharge for 30 – 60 minutes. It provides the energy and nutrients your body and brain need to work effectively for the next several hours. It might even provide you the opportunity to socialize with coworkers or friends (which is super important). When you skip lunch, the hangry monster makes an appearance. And NOBODY likes the hangry monster!!! So, eat lunch. Preferably with someone.

6.      Don’t rush!

Why this is important for you: If you are hurrying or rushing, chances are you are trying to catch up, not get ahead. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Go slow, to go smooth, to go fast. 

Your life experiences – especially as a parent or caregiver – have taught you which behaviors and actions are foundational for a productive day. If your parental advice is good enough for your kiddo(s), it’s good enough for you. Don’t focus on hacks, focus on good habits. Like the ones you try to instill in your kiddo(s). They work.

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This article was originally published on LinkedIn on 3/9/22:


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