How Leaders Can Increase Employee Satisfaction

Work is an experience, and the peak-end rule/theory states that “people judge an experience largely based on how they felt at its peak (i.e., its most intense point) and at its end.” 

While leaders may not be able to control the best (or worst) part of their employees’ day, they can help create an ending which leads to a positive evaluation of their workday and overall employment experience.

Leaders should ask their employees what they enjoy working on most, what gives them energy at work, and which activities utilize their top talents. With that information, leaders should help employees structure their day so that the last 30 - 60 minutes is spent on these desired activities

Imagine how employees will feel about work (and their leader and employer!) after having spent end-of-day time and attention on something that lights them up, as opposed to something that brings them down! You don’t have to image – I’ll tell you. They will feel more engaged, happier, energized, and satisfied. And those feelings benefit everyone.

When employees leave work, or log off the computer, they are going to remember the best/worst AND last part of their day. 🗝 By helping employees structure a positive end to their workday, leaders can directly increase employees' satisfaction with their job and overall work experience – which in turn will very likely produce positive organizational outcomes.  

[This article was originally published on LinkedIn on 5/30/23:]


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