If You’re Not Having Fun, You’re Not Doing It Right

Whether by choice or necessity, we’ve all been through a job search before.  Most people consider a job search to be a nightmare, frustrating, demoralizing, and/or anxiety-provoking.  It could be any of those things.  But it could also be FUN.  Yes, I said FUN.  

I’ve had the honor and privilege of assisting countless people in their job search over many years.  I’ve also been in many job searches myself.  Without fail, those job seekers (myself included) who choose a positive mindset and have a strong support system have had a positive experience.  If done right, you can enjoy the following emotions and outcomes during a job search:

1.       Hopefulness: Thinking about future career possibilities – opportunities better than your current situation – is motivating.  You become optimistic about the future.  You become a more hopeful person.

2.       (Re)discovering YOU: Whether you journal, talk deeply with family or friends, or conduct self-assessments, you rediscover who you are and how special you are. 

3.       Reaffirming your value: Every time you update your resume and LinkedIn profile, and every time you prepare for and participate in an interview, you remind yourself and others of your unique skills and past achievements.  You reaffirm your value and your awesomeness.

4.       Building new relationships: When you job search you meet new people – recruiters, hiring managers, community members, career coaches – who can become new professional contacts or even personal friends.

5.       Securing a new job: It’s fun getting a new job, which you wanted or needed.  This is the point of your job search.  You succeeded.  So celebrate. 

While a job search can be challenging, that doesn’t mean it needs to be a negative experience.  With a positive mindset and a strong support system, you can obtain your desired role, and in the process, you can rediscover yourself, reaffirm your value, feel hopeful about the future, and grow your network.   That’s all good stuff.

Bottom line – if you’re not having fun, you’re just not doing it right!


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