You need a Career Advisory Board. Here’s why and who should be on it.

In Your Network is Your Career GPS, I stated “Just as your vehicle’s GPS will help you reach your destination in the manner you desire (shortest route, fastest route, avoiding highways etc.), your network will inform and guide your career journey to help you achieve career success.” And while this is true, within your network is (or should be) a small group of individuals who will play an even bigger role in your career success. They are your Career Advisory Board.

So, what is a Career Advisory Board, why do you need one, and who should be on it?

What is a Career Advisory Board?

A Career Advisory Board is a select group of individuals who will assist you throughout your career by providing unique and useful expertise, wisdom, connections, perspectives, and support that will help you make informed and effective career decisions. 

A Career Advisory Board can be as formal or informal as you’d like it to be. While it’s possible to occasionally get all your advisors together in one place, it’s more practical to have one-on-one conversations and meetings with each person. And the frequency of contact is up to you. You can check in with people on an as needed basis, or more regularly, say quarterly, twice a year, or annually. 

Why do you need a Career Advisory Board?

You need a Career Advisory Board because building and maintaining a successful career is extremely challenging, especially in today’s complex, ambiguous, and rapidly changing economy. You’ll be faced with dozens of important decisions to make, opportunities to consider, and challenges to navigate. Trying to do this successfully all on your own in nearly impossible. 

There is only so much any one individual can figure out about, and take appropriate action on, all of the issues that impact ones’ career, including managing oneself and relationships, skill and educational development, and keeping up with the latest economic, labor market, company/industry/occupational, technological, and job search trends and developments.

Tapping into the collective wisdom, connections, perspectives, and support of your Career Advisory Board, you’ll have a better understanding of current and future challenges and opportunities and therefore be able to make more effective career decisions.

Who should be on your Career Advisory Board?

The makeup of your Career Advisory Board will be dependent upon your specific needs, and where you are at in your career. And it will change over time. Someone advising you at age 25 might not be the best person to advise you when you’re age 45. But at a minimum, everyone should consider individuals who can play some of the following roles:

Cheerleader: This person is going to be a rock for you. Someone to cheer for you whether you are doing great, or feeling down. This person will often believe in you more than you believe in yourself. They will encourage you to pursue your career goals and help you get there with their unwavering support. They are your go-to when you need a confidence booster.

Challenger: You can’t surround yourself completely with Yes people. You need someone to challenge you, to question you, to plays devil’s advocate. Someone to be honest with you (in a caring way), even if it’s uncomfortable. Someone to tell you “You’re about to make a terrible mistake.” This person’s contrarian views and perspectives will help you see your blind spots, resulting in you becoming a more informed decision maker.

Connector: This person is well connected and has a large and diverse network. They are going to connect you to people you might not have access to. They are going to introduce you to opportunities you might not know about. They are willing to spend their social capital on you.

Mentor: This person will provide guidance, motivation, and emotional support, and help you improve your skills and decision-making capabilities. They will use their experiences, wisdom, and perspectives to help you grow and develop in your career – and life.

Current company advocate: This person will advocate for you at work – whether for a new and challenging assignment, for recognition, for a compensation increase, or for a promotion. They will be your champion behind closed doors when you’re not in the room.  They see something in you and will spend their energy and time helping you grow and succeed at work.

Future company or industry insider: You’ll switch companies and industries at some point. Having a future company or industry insider on your Career Advisory Board will provide you access to unique information and insight that can prepare you to make a successful switch or pivot.

Career Coach: This person can provide individualized coaching to help you achieve your career goals. Whether it’s building and managing relationships, exploring and investigating opportunities, developing a targeted job search strategy, defining your professional brand, writing an impactful resume and LinkedIn profile, or preparing you for your next interview, this person will provide the guidance you need to be successful at work and in your job search.

Developing and managing a successful career is challenging in today’s rapidly changing world. You can go it alone, but like most things in life, that is a scary, unnecessary, and ineffective way to operate. You are more likely to succeed if your surround yourself with a Career Advisory Board, the crème de la crème of your network. People with unique and useful expertise, wisdom, connections, perspectives, and support who can help you identify opportunities, navigate challenges, and make effective career decisions. 

Not only is your Career Advisory Board your Career GPS, but they are also in the car with you along for the ride!

[Originally published on on November 9, 2021:]


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