Your Network Is Your Career GPS

Your work life will span decades, go through numerous phases, and have many ups and downs. You’ll want and need to change jobs and industries several times. There will be moments of uncertainty. There will be setbacks and triumphs. 

The great thing about your career journey is this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You have a career GPS – your network, and it is with you every step of the way to help guide you on your journey.

Just as your vehicle’s GPS will help you reach your destination in the manner you desire (shortest route, fastest route, avoiding highways etc.), your network will inform and guide your career journey to help you achieve career success.

Below are just some of the questions your network can answer to ensure you are on the right track:

·        What type of education and experiences do I need to enter and/or advance in my industry?

·        Where is my industry and occupation headed?

·        What technical and people skills should I focus on developing?

·        Which companies and leadership style align with my values, interests, and talents?

·        Should I focus on becoming a generalist or specialist?

·        How long is too long at one job/company?

·        Should I take the job offer, or stay where I am?

·        Who should I build relationships with in my industry and community?

·        Am I ready to be an entrepreneur?

·        Should I take on more responsibility by becoming a manager/leader, or am I best suited to be an individual contributor?

·        Does my professional brand accurately reflect who I am and the value I can provide to an employer?

·        Is it time to reinvent myself professionally?

You can choose to go solo on your career journey and attempt to answer all these questions on your own. Or, you could utilize your network to avoid hazards, suggest optimal routes, and provide the information you need to make better decisions.

I chose my network. I hope you do too.

Your network will work for you IF you engage it.

[Originally publish on LinkedIn on December 26, 2019:]


Interview Tip: SHOW THEM