Why Organizations Should Consider Hiring An Independent Recruiter

If you are an organizational leader, HR professional, or hiring manager, I’d like you to ask yourself some questions about your internal recruiting strategy and efforts.  Are you dissatisfied with the results?  Do you lack the resources (time, money, personnel) you need?  Are your time-to-hire and quality-of-hire metrics lagging?  Are you tired of recruiting for the same position every few months?  Have you been thinking that recruiting just isn’t what you do best?

If you answered NO to the above questions, congratulations.  Seriously, give yourself a pat on the back.  You deserve it.

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you should strongly consider hiring an independent recruiter to help your organization recruit and hire exceptional candidates. 

Let me suggest 4 benefits of hiring an independent recruiter:

1.       Large Networks: Independent recruiters intentionally build large networks of contacts, in part, so that when a position becomes available, we know exactly who to turn to about the opportunity.  We don’t need to “start looking” for candidates since we are “continuously building relationships” with a large network. 

2.       Laser Focus: Independent recruiters are laser focused on finding you exceptional candidates.  We aren’t pulled in ten different directions.  We aren’t participating in your staff meetings.  We aren’t getting sidetracked with “other duties as assigned.”  We are recruiting.  All.  The.  Time.

3.       Strengths: Independent recruiters are specialists in…recruiting.  Recruiting is not a stepping stone for us.  This is what we love to do.  It’s what we are really good at.  We focus on our strengths so organizations can focus on theirs.

4.       Costs:  Independent recruiters get paid to successfully recruit.  You aren’t paying health insurance, PTO, or any other benefit.  You are paying for results, which is what you want.  Some recruiting agreements can be structured with little to NO up-front cost, which reduces your risk (and expenses!).  Additionally, the three previously referenced benefits often translate into quicker results. This saves you time. This saves you money. 

Your employees ARE your business.  You deserve the best-fitting and performing team to help meet your organizational goals.  If you are struggling to recruit and hire exceptional talent, consider the above mentioned benefits and reach out to an independent recruiter or two to start the conversation about how we can help you achieve your recruiting and hiring goals.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.   


Job Search Tip: 4 Actions To Go From Not Selected To Re-Approached


Organizations are changing.  How will you respond?